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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Basic Mechanisms associated with magnetic body, reconnection of magnetic flux tubes providing fundamental mechanism of attention as touching of magnetic flux tubes, fundamental mechanism of attention as touching of magnetic flux tubes serving as as a fundamental recognition mecha- nism of immune sys- tem with resonant cylcotron frequencies associated with magne- tic body serving as a passworld, fundamental mechanism of attention as touching of magnetic flux tubes allowing to sense the presence of other magnetic body via touch and resonant interaction via radiation at cyclotron frequencies, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include dark photons of Josephson radiation and cyclotron radia- tion as commu- nication and control tools, braiding of flux tubes idealizable as strings making possible topological quantum computation (tqc) and representaton of memories and tqc programs as 1-braids leading to a model of DNA-cell membrane system as topological quantum computer, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include phase transitions changing h_eff change the lengths of flux tubes, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include duality of time- like and space- like braiding (dance meta- phor), duality of time- like and space- like braiding (dance meta- phor) allowing automatic cod- ing of time-like braidings as representations of say nerve pulse patterns to be coded as memories relying on spa- ce-like braiding, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include reconnection of magnetic flux tubes, phase transitions changing h_eff change the lengths of flux tubes providing a mechanism by which reacting molecules find each other in molecular soup, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include braiding of flux tubes idealizable as strings making possible topological quantum computation (tqc) and representaton of memories and tqc programs as 1-braids, BASIC MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH MAGNETIC BODY include replication of magnetic body can serve as space-time tem- plate for ordinary replication of DNA, cell, and even entire organisms such as planaria, dark photons of Josephson radiation and cyclotron radia- tion as commu- nication and control tools making possible generalization of EEG as communications between biological body and MB, replication of magnetic body can serve as space-time tem- plate for ordinary replication of DNA, cell, and even entire organisms such as planaria making magnetic body an excellent candidate for coding structure and function of living system, reconnection of magnetic flux tubes making together with braiding possible 2-braiding of string world sheets defined by flux tubes in 4-D space-time al- lowing generalized TQC defining natural candidates for learned behaviors as TQC programs